How to Deal with Nicotine Withdrawal Symptoms ?

How to Deal with Nicotine Withdrawal Symptoms ?

Withdrawing from nicotine can be extremely difficult as we are psychologically used to think that nicotine makes us happy, relaxed and makes us forget about our stresses or worries. That is why it is quite mentally challenging to overcome the discomforts associated with recovery from nicotine addiction. It is not something that can be taken care of immediately in a matter of weeks but may take a few years for proper recovery. It is understandable to expect the recovery to happen quickly, but we have to be realistic in our expectations. So it is necessary that we be patient and not give up on ourselves, so relax and use the opportunity to best advantage. Remember you are healing yourself from a bad habit. Believe in yourself and understand that recovery is a process and not a destination. Don’t compare yourself to other smokers or non-smokers just be focused on your own journey. Trust in the process and give yourself the time you need to heal fully.

The most effective method to break away from your habit of smoking is to change your attitude towards it. Negative thinking directed towards you is the biggest obstacle that we have to overcome while wanting to make positive changes in our lives. Never succumb to self-defeating thoughts over and over again. Reach out to support from friends, family or any other social support groups online or in your community. Replace thoughts of I can’t with statements of I can and I am. When you are determined to help yourself and seeking out for the right help in such a difficult situation you will succeed. Your ability to quit smoking permanently will be much easier to sustain if you have strong, positive support around you.

Keep yourself away from an environment where there are a lot of smokers and drinkers. Whenever you feel the urge to smoke, keep a healthy snack nearby. Distract yourself. Keep your hands busy with a hobby. Making a list of things to do instead of smoking will allow you to quickly switch to an activity.

Also, heal yourself in the kindest manner possible and reward yourself for achieving small targets such as if you have managed to stay away from cigarettes for a week. The time you increase between you and that last cigarette you smoked is working to strengthen your resolve. In small incremental steps, you are relearning how to live without cigarettes. Honor that effort yourself and don’t wait for others to pat your back.

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